My most recent experience at
Blue was after the
Second Harvest Food Bank's Awards Banquet for their "Canstruction" competition, at the Convention Center, Uptown. Local architects and builders created sculptures out of nothing but food products, which were really amazing to see!
Well, at the banquet, there was NOTHING safe for me to eat. (Due to my crazy food allergies that came on just a few years ago, I have to be REALLY careful about what I eat.) Everything had either some sort of mustard sauce or paprika splashed all over it, which would have made me blow up and need a trip to the hospital...yuck! Bad choice. Other options were meat products, which I don't eat. So, I stood there nibbling dry crackers and sipping a glass of wine while everyone else gorged.
Nathan said, "We gotta' feed you!" We walked back to the parking garage, took his car around the block and started to drive around Uptown. Neither of us wanted pizza or pasta, so Fuel and Brixx was eliminated. The evening was getting started into "club scene," so sushi at Cosmo's was nixed, we could have gone with one of the big name steak houses; but they usually have only two choices for me. A shell fish of some sort, or a grilled slice of fish, which is often prepared as blandly as possible. I wanted something tasty. We looked at each other and both said, "
Since it has been a while between this blog and our visit, I'm only going to comment on what I REALLY remember perfectly. (I promise to be quicker with other reviews!) Our server was excellent and I don't remember his name, so I will have to investigate.
A few years ago, Nathan made a laminated allergy card for me and it lists all of the seasonings I'm allergic to, as well as the warning to be aware that cross-contamination of utensils, gloves and other food handling need to be closely observed, when preparing my food. Everywhere we go, managers, servers and chefs LOVE the card. I want him to patent and sell them.
I've gotten so tired of telling servers about my allergies and whipping out the card, that I let
Nathan do it when we're out together. (After all, I have to handle it all the times he's NOT around, don't I?)
As we had our drinks, Nathan had a Booker's on the rocks (I think) and I was drinking a split of
Moet and Chandon, Champagne (I know), we looked at the menu and studied the seasonings. (Nathan knowes them by heart, too.) Usually what I do is, find a few items on the menu that sound good to me and ask the server to see if they are safe. On this night at
Blue I did the same and the server left, with my allergy card in hand, to speak to the chef. When he returned, he told us that
Chef Gene Briggs has a relative in his family, who also has food allergies, so he really understands the special needs of a person like me.
Chef Briggs had an area cleared away in the kitchen, which would serve as the only place where my food would be prepared. This way, my food is separate from any of the seasonings that can harm me, and there would be great diligence in hand washing and glove changing, he would personally see to it. I almost wanted to cry, or run back to the kitchen and hug Chef Briggs around the neck. The server also said that the chef remembered seeing my allergy card before, on other visits to Blue and that tonight, he took the liberty of making a copy of it to keep it on file. So, from now on, when I know I am going to Blue, I can fax or email Chef Briggs directly to let him know I am coming. He can be prepared and make something special for me.
He has done exactly that twice. One night,
Chef Briggs made something VERY special for me with the Jumbo Diver Scallops, and my mouth is watering as I recollect the meal. Nathan and I were going to see The Cure at Bobcat's Arena with our friends, Phil and Sara Harris. We met up at Blue before the show for a quick bite and a
drink. I wanted the Scallops so much but they were wrapped in Procuitto and I don't eat meat, don't even like the flavor if it's peeled away. Chef Briggs made a completely different recipe, off the menu for me that night and I can't even describe it. To say it melted in my mouth is so cliché' but it did…the food was so full of flavor but not overwhelmingly so. Incredible. When a Chef is willing to accommodate a diner by going so far "off menu," you know this is the place to eat.
So, on the night of the
Second Harvest Banquet that couldn't feed me, I wanted to eat something different from that previous visit, with Phil and Sara Harris. So, I ordered the Whole Roasted Mediterranean Sea Bass, with fresh herbs, artichokes, pear tomatoes and a lemon spinach orzo pasta. This menu description immediately had my attention because I love sea bass, lemon, spinach, artichokes and I'm very fond of orzo. I don't remember if Chef Briggs had to change the recipe at all to accommodate my allergies. There may have been some seasonings he had to leave out or substitute, it doesn't matter to me, the meal was excellent.
The server brought the fish…as the menu says, the WHOLE fish to the table and cordially asked if I would like him to remove the fish's head and bones. I replied that, I would appreciate his doing so. (I don't eat fish very often anymore and I certainly don't want it looking at me while I do! Picking and spitting bones, also not too ladylike.) He worked quickly, so the fish was still hot once I was able to begin eating. Nathan was waiting for me to get my meal before he'd begin eating, so I encouraged him to start without me (isn't that sweet? 8 years later and he's still so chivalrous). He had ordered the Pomegranate Glazed Lamb Loin Grilled over an apricot and toasted pine nut couscous with a carrot, mint salad and a cardamon scented yogurt. Nathan was very happy with it and said it had been cooked to perfection. (He practically licked his plate clean, so I know he liked it!) I remember l loved mine as well and that I had no complaint whatsoever.
Alex Myrick came over and spoke with us for quite a while. He wanted to come over and make sure that everything had gone well with my meal and most importantly, that I felt Ok. From across the room, Alex was simply approaching the table where "the blonde lady with the allergies" was sitting. Once he got to our table and saw us up close, he realized he knew who we are. Alex and Nathan have known each other for a long time, and between
Blue and Table, we've seen him a few times over the last several years. However, the topic of my allergies was the main focus at first. We told him how my food allergies came on just a few years ago, in my late '30's….literally out of nowhere, practically overnight. Alex and I agreed that part of the training process in food and beverage related industries, should be based on the topic of food allergies. I have more than twenty years of food and beverage experience, and I can honestly say that very few places I have worked, managed and trained employees; spend enough time discussing the dangers of anaphylaxis.
As for the rest of the meal that night, I remember Nathan had a top-shelf bourbon on the rocks just not positive which one (
they have all the best), and I had a couple of Moet & Chandon White Star, Champagne splits. During other visits there, we've had some really great wine.
Alex Myrick has an amazing wine list at Blue and as a former bar manager myself, I'm very impressed with the variety of gorgeous flavors. Not all of them are the highest dollar bottles on the market either. Some of my favorites are really fantastic grapes and they're not the most expensive on the menu, either. The Vignale, Veneto Pinto Grigio is from Northern Italy, it's light, not too overpowering and get this, it's Vegan/Organic! However, Santa Margherita, Valdadige, Pinot Grigio is my personal favorite and it's a bit higher in price. Chardonnay's Rombauer is a MUST on any decent wine list and Alex has it at the top of the Carneros Region wines.
You can check the
wines for yourself, so I'll leave them at that, except to say I am surprised at the lack of Sonoma Valley wines he has (that aren't in the Reserve price range). The Napa Valley selection is huge, don't get me wrong – he has an amazing selection. What I was looking for specifically, was either the Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon Rodney Strong (he has the Reserve) or Chateau St. Jean's Cabernet Sauvignon. Now, I know he can't carry EVERYTHING that everyone likes and some
wines just have to be left off the list. It's just my personal opinion that the Sonoma Valley gets too little attention and is overshadowed by the Napa Valley, not only by
Alex Myrick at Blue – but really, by many other restaurants, too. But I'll get to those at another time!
Overall grade – A+
Awesome job by our server (I really wish I could remember his name and the next time I see him, I will remedy this!)
Fantastic care by
Chef Gene Briggs and the rest of the kitchen staff.
Personal attention from the owner and not only because of the previous friendship with Nathan!